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Conference papers


IUGG: “Characterisation of volcanic plume dynamics using high-speed imagery“, Tournigand P-Y, Taddeucci J, Scarlato P, Gaudin D, Del Bello E, session VS17.

EGU: “Field-based study of volcanic ash via visible and thermal high-speed imaging of explosive eruptions”, Tournigand P-Y, Taddeucci J, Scarlato P, Gaudin D, and Del Bello E, session GMPV6.10.


EGU: “Retrieving eruptive vent conditions from dynamical properties of unsteady volcanic plume using high-speed imagery and numerical simulations”, Tournigand P-Y, Taddeucci J, Peña Fernandez JJ, Gaudin D, Sesterhenn J, Scarlato P, and Del Bello E, session GMPV6.3.

EGU*: “Lead isotope constraints on the origin of andesite and dacite magmas at Tungurahua volcano (Ecuador)”, Nauret F, Ancellin M-A, Vlastelic I, Tournigand P-Y, Samaniego P, Le Pennec JL, Gannoun M, Hidalgo S, and Schiano P, session GMPV3.1/GD2.9 (*Presented by Ancellin M-A).


Tournigand, P.-Y., Taddeucci, J., Gaudin, D., Peña Fernández, J. J., Del Bello, E., Scarlato, P., … Yokoo, A. (2017). The initial development of transient volcanic plumes as a function of source conditions. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122.


IAVCEI*: “Initial transient ash plume dynamics: new insights from combined high-speed imagery, computer vision techniques and fractal analysis”, Tournigand P-Y, Taddeucci J, Gaudin D, Peña Fernández JJ, Perugini D, Del Bello E, Scarlato P, Sesterhenn J, session FT13C (*Presented by Dr. Jacopo Taddeucci).

EGU: “Fractal analysis: A new tool in transient volcanic ash plume characterization”, Tournigand P-Y, Peña Fernandez JJ, Taddeucci J, Perugini D, Sesterhenn J, session GMPV4.2/NH2.5 and co-convener of the session.


Nauret, F., Samaniego, P., Ancellin, M.-A., Tournigand, P.-Y., Le Pennec, J.-L., Vlastelic, I., … Schiano, P. (2018). The genetic relationship between andesites and dacites at Tungurahua volcano, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 349, 283–297.


Poppe, S., Holohan, E,P., Galland, O., Buls, N., Van Gompel, G., Keelson, B., Tournigand, P.-Y., Brancart, J., Hollis, D., Nila,  A., Kervyn, M (2019). An Inside Perspective on Magma Intrusion: Quantifying 3D Displacement and Strain in Laboratory Experiments by Dynamic X-ray Computed Tomography. Frontiers in Earth Science 7, 62.


Tournigand, P.-Y., Fernández, J. J. P., Taddeucci, J., Perugini, D., Sesterhenn, J., & Palladino, D. M. (2019). Time evolution of transient volcanic plumes: Insights from fractal analysis. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 371, 59–71.


Taddeucci. J., Scarlato, P., Del Bello, E., Spina, L., Ricci, T., Gaudin, D., Tournigand, P-Y. Multi-parametric measurements and dynamics of explosive basaltic eruptions. Elsevier book: Forecasting and planning for volcanic hazards, risks, and disasters, Hazards and disasters series. In press.


Tournigand, P-Y., Cigala, V., Lasota, E., Hammouti, M., Clarisse, L., Brenot, H., Prata, F., Kirchengast, G., Steiner, A., Biondi, R. A comprehensive archive of large SO2 volcanic clouds in the 2000s, GFZ Data Services.


EGU: “Morphological and dynamical evolution of transient volcanic plumes and their relationship to source properties”, Tournigand P-Y, Taddeucci J, Gaudin D, Peña Fernández JJ, Perugini D, Del Bello E, Scarlato P, Sesterhenn J, session GMPV5.4.

EGU: “Rapid evolution of vent and crater morphology at Stromboli volcano”, Kueppers U, Taddeucci J, Cigala V, Turner N, Houghton B, Andronico D, Biass S, Cimarelli C, Colombier M, Del Bello E, Gaudin D, Knüver M, Mueller S, Pisello A, Scarlato P, Sesterhenn J, Ricci T, Tournigand P-Y, Walker B, Zaia Z, session GMPV5.5.


EGU: “SO2 volcanic clouds detected from space: a new database”, Tournigand P-Y, Cigala V, Hammouti M, Prata F, Brenot H, Clarisse L, Steiner A K, Kirchengast G, Biondi R, session AS1.30.

EGU: “The airport-sCAle seveRe weather nowcastinG prOject (CARGO)”, Biondi R, Tournigand P-Y, Solazzo E, Realini E, Cimarelli C, Kauczok S, session AS1.30.

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